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Submissions to the OMI are to be made online by email. Send the document as an attachment to your email. The initial email you write will serve as your cover letter. 


Documents should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. We prefer Word documents over all other kinds because Word allows formatting to be translated between computers. If you do not have a copy of Microsoft Word, we will accept submissions in .rtf or .txt format. Please keep in mind that anything send in .rtf or .txt will be formatted by us (bold, italics, spacing, etc.).




The OMI will publish monographs that discuss the scientific basis of oral sensory and motor techniques for articulation and feeding therapy. The monograph is defined as "a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it" (Jewell and Abate, p. 1103). The monograph was chosen because it affords the writer an opportunity to discuss processes that underlie basic concepts in oral sensory and motor evaluation and treatment. [Reference: Jewell, E. and Abate, F. (2001) The New Oxford American Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.]


Peer Review


The following peer review process will be used:

  1. Initial Screening: Board Chair Robyn Merkel-Walsh will screen the submission to determine whether it is complete and is appropriate for OMI publication in terms of topic. The manuscript may be returned to the author(s) for revisions at this time.

  2. Board Review: Once necessary revisions are made, and the chair gives approxal, articles are submitted to the entire Board of Directors. There will be a blind peer review and chance for each member to provide feedback and possible edits.

  3. Final Review: A final reading by the chair is done, and the Board is given one final opportunity to comment before it goes to publication.


Preparing Your Manuscript


Use the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript for the first time.

  1. Manuscripts should be complete upon submission.

  2. Submit original works only.

  3. Identify your manuscript:

    1. Select a title and a subtitle.

    2. Write complete author name, degree(s), and certification. Example: Stephen Smith, MA, DDS, CCC-SLP.

  4. Include the following sections in your manuscript:

    1. Introduction: A paragraph description of the problem.

    2. Purpose: The purpose of this article. What information did you seek?

    3. Method: How did you go about gathering the information you used for composing this article?

    4. Results: The results of your scientific inquiry.

    5. Discussion: A description of the major findings of the study. Their application to the process of speech or feeding evaluation or therapy.

    6. Implications for Therapy and Research: How this information leads us in new directions.

    7. Abstract: A one-paragraph description of the entire article.

    8. References: Cite all references alphabetically. Samples given below.

    9. Appendices: Make appendices complete and relevant to content.

  5. Tables and charts should be included within the body of the text. The OMI can design these for you if necessary. Submit the content of the table or chart within the body of your manuscript. Identify the chart or table as: BEGINNING OF CHART/TABLE and END OF CHART/TABLE.


Sample Articles


Use the following postings as samples to follow when writing your manuscript:

  1. "A topical bibliography on oral motor assessment and treatment" - Volume 2, Number 1.

  2. Oral motor treatment vs. non-speech oral-motor exercises" - Volume 2, Number 2.


Sample References


Sample references are offered here. The represent: (1) an individual book, (2) an individual chapter in a book, (3) a personal correspondence, and (4) conference proceedings.

  1. Flowers, A. M. (2003). The big book of sounds, 5th edition. Austin: Pro-Ed.

  2. Hartson, L. D. (1988). Stetson: A biographical sketch. In R. H. Stetson's Motor Phonetics. Kelso, J. A. S., & Munhall, K. G. (Eds.) (Pp. 1-8) Boston: College-Hill.

  3. Paden, E. P. (2008) Personal correspondence. February 6.

  4. Wilson, J. M. (Ed.) (1978) Oral-motor function and dysfunction in children. Conference proceedings, May 25-28, 1977. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina.


Length of Articles


The OMI will publish articles up to 15,000 words in length including all tables, charts, references, and appendices.


Publication Schedule


The OMI currently is posting monographs as they become available.


Additional Questions


Further questions about article submissions may be emailed to the OMI.


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