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The OMI is established to publish monographs that demonstrate the evidence base of oral sensory and motor techniques for articulation, motor speech, and feeding treatment. Its mission is to contribute to the field of speech-language-hearing science by expanding our knowledge about the sensory and motor components of articulation, motor speech, and feeding development, disorders, assessment and treatment. Learn more...

Why the OMI?

Oral sensory and motor treatments and the foundations in neurodevelopmental, sensory processing, and other treatment methods have been under attack since 2007. Attempts have been made by some researchers in the field of speech-language-hearing science to reduce the definition of oral motor treatment to "non-speech oral-motor exercises." Those of us who have been active in teaching and writing about the methods of oral sensory and motor evaluation and treatment are eager to see the integrity of oral motor treatment maintained.

The OMI is poised to meet this challenge by studying and publishing the evidence on the many aspects of oral motor treatment (e.g., feeding, motor speech, orofacial myofunctional, oral awareness and discrimination, pre-feeding and so forth). We have made many gains through advocacy, publications, presentations, podcasts and literature reviews. We have paired this organization with occupational therapists, dentists, otolaryngologists, oral surgeons, lactation consultants, physical therapists, physicians, Certified Orofacial Myologists(R), dental hygienists and physical therapists in order to gather evidence based practices and clinical data to respect the “do no harm” oath to all patients and their families. We will continue, through the board of directors, our chair and our affiliates to gather evidence and data and advocate for continued research and clinical applications of all areas of oral motor and orofacial myofunctional therapies.

Online Scientific Papers

The OMI will publish professional papers online and free to all visitors to the website. The adopted format for articles published in the OMI is the "monograph." A monograph is an expository essay on one subject or aspect of it. A printable version of all monographs will be available for readers who wish to compile them into a file of their own. Posting monographs online instead of publishing them in journal format allows monographs of any length to be printed at no cost to the OMI. "Online posting also allows researchers access to the monographs without hunting for obscure journals. Monographs use the APA format and follow ASHA's EBP guidelines: The goal of EBP is the integration of: (a) clinical expertise, (b) best current evidence, and (c) client values to provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals we serve" ( View the full list of monographs here.


The OMI will publish monographs on a wide variety of topics designed to provide information to individuals seeking evidence of the validity of the sensory and motor techniques used to facilitate respiration, phonation, resonation and oral motor control in speech and feeding therapy. The central focus for every article will be movement as it relates to speech and feeding. Monographs on a wide variety of subjects will be considered. Potential writers should contact either of the co-chairs for help in shaping their ideas into potential monographs.

Blind Peer Review

Monographs submitted to the OMI will be peer reviewed by board members and other professional peers outside the institute and posted as they become available. Monographs will be written in historical context with references to previously published scientific papers and textbooks. Publishing these monographs online will allow any student or professional to access the information without subscription.

As of May, 2008, monographs are reviewed blindly by board members and by outside reviewers. During the review process, only the co-chairs of the board will know the identity of the monograph author. This blind review process has been adopted to encourage unbiased reviews of all monographs before publication.

Board Membership

Board membership in the OMI is by invitation only and is extended to persons who have been actively involved in teaching and/or writing about oral sensory and motor techniques for speech and feeding. Board membership responsibilities: (1) Board members are invited to write original monographs of their own design. (2) Board members are asked to review monographs written by other members in addition to the external peer review. (3) Board members are asked to suggest other professionals for membership. View the current membership list here.


The Oral Motor Institute is a non-profit organization. No membership dues are required. The goal is to continue to operate at no cost for the foreseeable future. Because this is an academic pursuit, we have gained corporate sponsorship through TalkTools(R) who has graciously taken on the cost of this website. The company has no governance over the content of this website which is fully supervised by our Board Chair and Board of Directors. . Marshalla Speech & Language funded the initial set-up of this website.

© 2021 Oral Motor Institute. All rights reserved.


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